Lillie O’Brien established London Borough of Jam in 2013, following five years as pastry chef at St John Bread & Wine in London, United Kingdom. LBJ preserves are made in small batches and cooked for a shorter time compared to generic brands. The flavour is honest and unadulterated; it is fruit-driven, rather than sugar-driven. When tasting LBJ preserves you will always taste the fruit first followed by the sugar and a special complimentary flavour. LBJ uses natural, unrefined sugars and no commercial pectins. LBJ preserves contain no more than 4 ingredients and are dairy free & vegan.
The preserves combine seasonal fruits – sourced in the UK, France, Italy and Spain – such as Victoria Plums, Greengages, Raspberries, Rhubarb and Seville Oranges with unusual additions such as bay leaf, cardamom, cocoa nibs, lemon verbena, wild fennel pollen and verjuice which we believe enhance the fruit flavours and maintain natural, respectful combinations.
We recommend serving LBJ spread upon toasted sourdough bread, mixed in bowls of hot porridge, layered between cakes, or as an accompaniment to cheese.
This USA based site partners with LBJ to offer a more regular and accessible supply of your favorite LBJ preserves on this side of the Atlantic.
Please direct any wholesale inquires ( USA ) to orders@londonborougofjam.us

LBJ jam wall by Michael Marriott 2018